Hematologist San AntonioFinding out you need to see a hematologist can be stressful. Most people think of cancer when they hear the word hematologist, but a hematologist actually can help people with various blood disorders. Choosing a hematologist is a personal decision, and it is essential to select one that is right for you. How do you find the right hematologist? Below are some important factors to keep in mind when choosing:

  1. Get Referrals.

Ask for a referral list from your primary care doctor. Also, ask family, friends, and other healthcare providers for recommendations. It is imperative to take some time to research the doctors’ experience and credentials. After narrowing down your list, call each hematologist’s office to schedule a consultation to meet and get to know the doctor.

  1. Consider the Hematologist’s Experience.

The more experience a hematologist has with a procedure or condition, the better your results are when you are facing a blood disease or disorder. Ask how many patients with your specific condition the hematologist has treated. If you are aware of a procedure you will need, ask the doctor if they have performed it and how many times.  Also, make sure to get information if there are any possible complications from having the procedure done.

  1. Research the Hematologist’s Credentials.

One of the most important factors to consider when you are choosing a hematologist is board certification. Credentials can tell you whether the doctor has the necessary skills, training, and experience to provide the absolute best hematologic care. Make sure that the hematologist also has no history of malpractice claims or disciplinary actions.

  1. Consider Gender.

It is essential to feel comfortable with your hematologist’s gender since you will need to discuss personal information openly. Make sure to choose a doctor with the gender that you prefer.  Also, hematologists are becoming more skilled in caring for men and women differently. Ask the hematologist about his or her recent medical experience that is specifically related to your gender and condition.

  1. Research Hospital Quality and Location.

Your doctor’s hospital is not only their hospital; it is yours too.  Consider the quality of care taking place at the hospital where the hematologist is based. Top-rated hospitals have fewer complications and better survival rates. Also, consider the hospital’s location and how convenient it is to travel there.

  1. Know What Your Insurance Covers.

Your insurance coverage should always be considered when looking for a doctor. For you to receive the most insurance benefits and pay the least out-of-pocket for your care, choose a hematologist who accepts your insurance plan.

By following these tips, you can make choosing a hematologist easy and worry-free. If you are looking for a hematology specialist in San Antonio, Texas, then Gonzaba Medical Group is the place for you! Our team of professionals is here to help with all your healthcare needs. Contact us today at (210) 921-3800 or visit our website for information on hematology!